Chi-Hao Lay

Software Developer


I develop web applications as a generalist developer. Given sufficient amount of time anything can be done.

The ambition of mine is to become an expert in mathematical topics related to software development, ultimately writing genius-level software in niche areas.

My Story

This is a more in-depth depiction of my life than my compressed resume tells. Since time is flying, the memories started to fade.


The master's thesis got accepted and I graduated with average grade of 4.2.

I joined Futurice Oy as a software developer.


The entrepreneurial activities turns to not be fruitful and I was about to graduate. It was time to try something else.


We started to collaborate with PilvIT Oy in the end of October. I did various internal stuff for the company and took part in a couple projects.


Thinking hard on Master's thesis topic, I decided to write about graph databases.


The shift towards PilvIT started around there, I was learning C# and I really liked it. The Evoir should have been written in this language. I needed a break as I tried too hard in previous years.


I kept developing Evoir, and attended courses for my master's degree. It was too hard on me as I spent too many waking hours either coding it or attend courses. The project got very stressful as I was the only developer in charge of the application. Many mistakes were done and lessons learned.


I stared to lose my interest in -project as I had co-founded Collateral Solutions Oy. We let the guys in Project Work -course in Tampere University develop it further, I mostly played customer in the scrum meetings and transferred the project to Heimo Films Oy in January.


The story of Collateral Solutions Oy started in June but various preparation work and ideation was done until the legislation change allowed us to register. For being influenced by start books that suggests using technologies I already know lead to Django.


I had freelance project to develop a booking calendar system for Twist Finland Oy (event management company). The system was integrated into a WordPress -website. I was not happy with my Django choice and that it would have been better to use a SaaS -service so I didn't bill too much. I intended it to become a fully customized ERP system. The calendar got shutdown in Winter 2022 due to COVID-19.


I struggled to start my career and needed experience. Got an opportunity to develop -platform with Value Creative Osk. (predecessor of Heimo Films Oy). I chose to use Django because I liked it.

I wanted to become an entrepreneur after I lent Lean Startup -book from the university library. It was appealing to experiment, well... we did not follow the principles.


I had written Bachelor's thesis as an literature review on classic matrix inversion algorithm. It was clear that I had weak knowledge in software development so I decided to learn Django.


I attended the SCIL - Smart, Megatrends and Scenarios (Summer 2018) -course. It was rather refreshing experience as we spent a lot of time together outside.


I started computer science studies in Tampere University. From the beginning, I wanted to focus on mathematical topics.


I had my first summer job as a janitor for Hyvinkään kaupunki. I liked my time in the main library and town hall. The football field's changing rooms... not so much.


I finished my gymnasium-studies. I tried hard with mathematics and happened I actually improve towards the end. It was very surprising to get Eximia (E) in mathematics.


I started the gymnasium-studies in Hyvinkään yhteiskoulun lukio, I was a rather average student and wanted to become something of a scientist.


Any prior info is private and only shared between friends :)

Technology Tree

Learning is incremental, things previously learned will amplify the latter ones. I have listed technologies below that I have used or have been educated in. The current focus is .NET ecosystem.

  • Python 3
    • Django
      • Django Rest Framework
  • TypeScript and JavaScript
    • React
      • Gatsby
      • Next
      • React Testing Library
      • Storybook
    • Cypress
    • Node
  • C#
    • ASP.NET Core 5
    • Entity Framework Core 5
    • xUnit
  • Java Programming courses in 2016-2018
    • JUnit 5 Master's Thesis
  • Markup Languages
    • LaTeX
    • HTML
    • CSS and SCSS
  • Haskell Functional Programming I and II
  • Erlang Distributed Systems
    Core Technologies
  • Database
    • MongoDB Web Development I and II
    • PostgreSQL
    • Neo4j Master's Thesis
  • Docker and Docker Compose

Copyright © 2020–2022 Chi-Hao Lay

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